Case report on hypothyroidism in infertile women and the effects of hypothyroidism treatment on infertility with IVF conception.
Hypothyroidism affects 2–4% of women in their reproductive years. Anovulatory cycles, luteal phase defects, hyperprolactinemia, and sex hormone imbalances are all symptoms of sex hormone imbalances are all consequences of hypothyroidism on fertility. Main symptoms/or important clinical findings: A 33 years old female admitted in AVBRH on date 19/1/2021with chief complaint of infertility with hypothyroidism since 8 year , pain in abdomen irregular menses. Obstetric history: patient had obstetric history of menarche start age of 15 year and flow of bleeding in slow/light. After irregular menses ,she received IVF cycle and she was conceived the pregnancy in 1 st IVF cycle. The main diagnoses ,therapeutic intervention , and outcome: After physical examination and investigation, doctor was detected a case of primary infertility with hypothyroidism. Patient was treated with tab.thyronom50 mg drug to reduce the symptoms of hypothyroidism . Nursing perspective :administered flued replacement i.e. DNS , RL ,monitored fetal heart rate and vital sign per 4 hourly. Conclusion: pregnancy conceived with in vitro fertilization increasing the more risk of gestational hypothyroidism as well as fetal complication. Treatment and management improves the outcome of pregnancy .