Enhanced Ensemble Duck Traveler Optimization (e2DTO)Algorithm with New Cost and Effort Estimation Model in Earlier Stage Software Project Management to better estimation


  • Shweta.KR, Dr.T.Latha Maheswari, Dr.S.Duraisamy


Cost estimation is needed but early detection in design stage is crucial to reduce the major risks on investment of software development for any projects.Early detection of high risks and estimation of cost and effort are considered as a challenging problem for every estimator. Better estimation comes from optimization model to reduce uncertainty of overestimate and underestimate as well as increasing development of software with high quality providing reliability of software development cost and effort ability. Meta heuristic algorithms are used to estimate the cost with high accuracy and reliability for handling manpower, money, time, size etc. In this research, Enhanced Ensemble Duck Traveler Optimization (e2DTO) Algorithm is used to improving the accuracy through accurate prediction of cost in earlier design stage. Proposed e2DTO Algorithm follows the basic behaviors of duck travel behavior in duck flock. Correct estimation optimizes the constraints of cost like minimizing the uncertainties, minimizing the error rates, minimizing the development effort and time, maximizing the quality. In e2DTO all constraints are taken into consideration of predicted effort estimation with new cost model four Point Capability of Rectangular Relationships Mapping Function (4PCR2MF) used for further improvements during estimation of effort in NASA dataset projects. Results are evaluated using software cost metrics Accuracy, Variance, Scheduled Variance, Balance Relative error, Magnitude of Relative error and Mean Magnitude of Relative error. A proposed e2DTO result holds maximum accuracy, high variance and minimum error rates shows efficiency for better estimation compared with COCOMO, NN, and SBA.




How to Cite

Shweta.KR, Dr.T.Latha Maheswari, Dr.S.Duraisamy. (2021). Enhanced Ensemble Duck Traveler Optimization (e2DTO)Algorithm with New Cost and Effort Estimation Model in Earlier Stage Software Project Management to better estimation. Drugs and Cell Therapies in Hematology, 10(1), 2057–2069. Retrieved from http://dcth.org/index.php/journal/article/view/387


