About the Journal

Drugs and Cell Therapies in Hematology

The impressive development in recent years of new drugs in the field of hematology, the very promising results of cellular therapy, and the confirmed and expanded role of hematopoietic stem cells transplantation, leaded us to found a new scientific journal entitled “DCTH - Drugs and Cells Therapies in Hematology”.

The aim of this journal is to publish peer-reviewed papers on different issues of experimental and clinical hematology preferentially dealing with, though not limited to, experimental, pre-clinical and clinical studies with conventional and novel drugs and cell-based therapies in hematology.

Editorials are solicited by the Editor-in-Chief. Reviews and Perspectives can be solicited or independently submitted. Full papers and short reports represent the usual type of manuscripts submitted. Meeting reports are also welcome. Letters to the Editor can be submitted if concerning any type of manuscript published in the Journal.