Case Report On Management of PNC with Acute pancreatitis.


  • Ms. Tanu Walke, Ms. Seema Kolhe, Shital Telrandhe


Acute pancreatitis is a rare occurrence in pregnancy, occurring in approximately 3 out of every 10,000 pregnancies. The severity of AP in pregnancy ranges from mild to severe, with necrosis, abscesses, pseudocysts, and multiple organ dysfunction syndromes. Pregnancy-related haematological and biochemical changes influence the interpretation of diagnostic tests and assessments. Acute pancreatitis during pregnancy is an uncommon occurrence that is linked to a significant risk of maternal death and foetal loss. Gallstone disease is assumed to be the most prevalent cause of acute pancreatitis, though the exact reason is unknown in many cases. We discuss the case of a 36-year-old lady who arrived with significant discomfort limited to her upper belly and radiating to her thighs at 35 weeks of pregnancy. Main symptoms and important clinical findings: She is case of 33yr old with 2nd  time PNC  and having pancreatitis . The symptoms included burning, stabbing pain, often radiating to the back, accompanied by nausea and/or vomiting. The main diagnoses, therapeutic intervention, and outcomes : She is 33 years old and has abdominal distention as a result of her pregnancy. Treatment included acute fluid tapping, local site dressing, catheterization with foleys. Conclusion: In conclusion, severe acute pancreatitis requiring admission to the critical care unit is associated with significant morbidity and mortality especially in patients with infected necrosis and persistent organ failure. Older patients with SAP have a worse prognosis than their younger counterparts.



How to Cite

Ms. Tanu Walke, Ms. Seema Kolhe, Shital Telrandhe. (2021). Case Report On Management of PNC with Acute pancreatitis. Drugs and Cell Therapies in Hematology, 10(1), 497–500. Retrieved from


