Rakt Moksha: - An Ancient Ayurvedic Practice
Raktamokshana Karma is an innovative type of treatment for deranged blood
humour mentioned in ancient Ayurveda texts. Shringa (wet cupping), Jaloka
(hirudinotherapy), Alabu (wet fire cupping), Prachhana (scarification) and
Siravyadhan are the are main 5 types of Raktmokshan karma (vein puncture). Both diseased and stable people are included in the Raktamokshana indication
perimeter.In the fall season, it is defined as a preventive mode. It has arisen as a
prime medicinal treatment in modern times and has been widely performed in
Ayurvedic settings. The Sushruta Samhita detailed the Raktamokshana karma
guidelines and is a comparatively safe clinical technique for patients when
carriedout in the light of textual guidelines.The goal of the current work is to
establish rapid screening form for Raktamokshana to reduce clinical practise
complications or errors.Because of deranged moods, illness progresses.