Therapeutic effects of Kinesio taping on pain and ADLs in the patients with mechanical low back pain


  • Chandra Shekhar Kumar, Digvijay Sharma, Neha Shukla


Objective: The aim of present study was to observe the therapeutic effects of kinesio taping on pain & ADLs in the patients with mechanical low back pain.

Methods:A total 30 patients with mechanical low back pain were included in the current study with age group between 25-55 years. All the patients received the treatment for three times per week for six weeks. Outcomes measures were assessed using visual analogue scale for pain, Ronald-Morris Questionnaires for ADLs and modified Schober’s test for trunk flexion & extension ROM.

Result: There was significant decrease in pain severity& improvement in ADLs  on VAS and RMDQ scores.

Conclusion:A physiotherapy program involving stretching exercises for back, hamsrings & iliopsoas muscles and strengthening exercises for trunk muscles with kinesio taping was effective in the management of mechanical low back pain.



How to Cite

Chandra Shekhar Kumar, Digvijay Sharma, Neha Shukla. (2021). Therapeutic effects of Kinesio taping on pain and ADLs in the patients with mechanical low back pain. Drugs and Cell Therapies in Hematology, 10(1), 1211–1215. Retrieved from


