Impact of Assault Trauma on Victims’ Birthing Process


  • Dr. Siren Alopne


In the selected study, rape was depicted as an event that continues to traumatize and violate the victim’s rights. The researchers affirmed that rape causes extensive health problems, with adversities felt further in the victims’ psychological states. The Rape Trauma Syndrome, a posttraumatic stress disorder, was outlined as one of the consequences that women who are subjected to rape continue to experience. Regarding the field of obstetric, the study indicated that a majority of women with histories of rape are likely to undergo operative deliveries in their first births while those who give birth vaginally have their second stage take long, nearly doubling that of women whose examinations do not reveal histories of sexual assault. Therefore, the main aim of the study was to examine and illuminate the manner in which women who have been subjected to rape have their first birth experiences. As such, the primary objective was to explore the ideal form of birth care that could lead to better outcomes in the selected, vulnerable group.



How to Cite

Dr. Siren Alopne. (2021). Impact of Assault Trauma on Victims’ Birthing Process . Drugs and Cell Therapies in Hematology, 8(1), 4–6. Retrieved from


