"quality of life and family types in students of the hermilio valdizan university - huanuco"


  • Dr.Victor Flores Ayala, Mph, Mida Aguirre Cano, Mg



The research was carried out at the "Hermilio Valdizán" National University in the city of Huánuco. The objective of the research was to determine the relationship between quality of life and type of family. The methodology was descriptive analytical work, for this purpose 366 students were studied; the study design was non-experimental, descriptive, analytical, and cross-sectional. The measures of frequency, percentage, and the “p” value of significance 0.05 were used. The results regarding quality of life, 82.5% (302) are bad, 16.3% (60) are fair and only 1.3% (4) are good. Regarding the type of family, 51.3% (188) is medium range, 25% (92) is balanced and only 23.8% (86) is extreme. According to Spearman's correlation coefficient (0.233), it indicates that there is a low correlation between quality of life and family type. Significance (one-sided) = 0.019 with the 95% confidence interval, the alpha = 0.05. In conclusion, the null hypothesis is rejected, and we accept the research hypothesis, there is a relationship between the quality of life and the type of family in the students of the Hermilio Valdizán University.



How to Cite

Dr.Victor Flores Ayala, Mph, Mida Aguirre Cano, Mg. (2021). "quality of life and family types in students of the hermilio valdizan university - huanuco". Drugs and Cell Therapies in Hematology, 10(1), 2002–2010. Retrieved from http://dcth.org/index.php/journal/article/view/381


