Effect Of Covid 19 Pandemic On Mothers And Neonates


  • Praditi Todkar , Gangaram L. Bhadarge, Shubhada Gade , Jagdish Makade


The virus is spread mostly by respiratory droplets with secure contact between persons, with reports of familial clustering. Viruses are a leading cause of pregnancy-related sickness and mortality. Pregnant women were found to be contaminated through COVID-19 late inside their pregnancy, and the perinatal implications of their babies were documented; rejection upright communication of SARS-CoV-2 is seen, and no perinatal problems be discovered. Infection with SARS-CoV-2 appears to be less prevalent in children, and COVID-19 symptoms in children are milder than in adults. Children have been exposed to COVID-19 since they might be there sheltered with antibodies next to former corona viruses, or they carry out not contain a well-built provocative response, which is considered to be partly responsible for the COVID-19 lung damage.

CONCLUSION: In conclusion, the majority of the neonates delivered to women with COVID-19 had a favourable result, according to the current systematic review of 14 trials including 105 neonates. 8.8% of newborns, on the other hand, tested positive for nucleic acid or antibody.



How to Cite

Praditi Todkar , Gangaram L. Bhadarge, Shubhada Gade , Jagdish Makade. (2021). Effect Of Covid 19 Pandemic On Mothers And Neonates. Drugs and Cell Therapies in Hematology, 10(1), 3272–3277. Retrieved from http://dcth.org/index.php/journal/article/view/669


