Management of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy With Ayurvedic Measures- A Case Study


  • Gunjan Magar, Dr. Punam Sawarkar, Gaurav Sawarkar


Background: A Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is a severe type of muscular Dystrophy & X-linked recessive disorder that mainly affects the male child. It primarily affects such children at the age of four years. It mainly compromises clinical features such as progressive muscle weakness & muscle loss (especially of arms preceded by muscles of thighs and pelvis), which get worsened very quickly. Afterward, the patient experiences difficulty while standing up, followed by the inability to walk at 12 years. 70 % of the cases have originated through the maternal side, while 30 % of cases occur due to a new mutation. In Ayurveda, it can be correlated with the Maamsasosha that occurred by Beeja Dusthi. The disease is a type of Maamsasosha determined by Beeja Dusthi. Agnimaandya is usually at Maamsadhaatu level (Maamsadhaatwagni). The presence of Aama Visha makes the treatment dilemma. Death is usually by the Sthaayee Rasadhaatu Soshana. Material and Methods:  This is the case study of a 2-years-old boy with a complaint of difficulty walking, unable to stand, weakness, the rigidity of legs with irritability. This case was successfully managed with Panchakarma (Snehana with Dashmultaila Swedana, Shiroabhyanga with Bramhitaila, Matra  Vasti with Dashamultaila) & Shaman Chikitsa (Tablet Ashwagandha, Laghumalini Vasanta, Shankha Vati) Results: The significant changes were observed in the form of remarkable recovery, and associated symptoms also got resolved up to a greater extent. Discussion: These encouraging results were obtained in this case which may be due to both Panchakarma (local Snehana with Dashmool Taila, Nadi Sweda with Dashmool Kwath, Shiroabhyanga with Bramhi Taila, Matra Basti with Dashamula Taila) and shaman Chikitsa (Ashwagandha, Laghumalini Vasant, Shankha Vati) with their Ama Pahana, Agnidipana Anti Visha, Psychotropic, Brimhana, Rasayana &, Sroto Shodhak properties. Conclusion: Beeja Dushti, Agni, Srotorodha are responsible for such kind of clinical condition. Therefore, drugs with the above-said properties are quite beneficial for the treatment of DMD. Such type of treatment only helps in the prevention or reduction of deformities in DMD.



How to Cite

Gunjan Magar, Dr. Punam Sawarkar, Gaurav Sawarkar. (2021). Management of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy With Ayurvedic Measures- A Case Study. Drugs and Cell Therapies in Hematology, 10(1), 3359–3367. Retrieved from


