Management of Autoimmune Pemphigus Foliaceus Through Ayurveda: A Case Report


  • Vaishnavi Hatwar, Dr. Punam Sawarkar, Dr. Gaurav Sawarkar


Background: Pemphigus foliaceous is an acquired autoimmune blistering skin disease caused due to loss of keratinocyte cell to cell adhesions. These fluid-filled blisters may burst open and may lead to infections and further sepsis. No proper shreds of evidence are present for specific treatment of this disease, but steroids relieve symptoms. Nikolsky’s sign is found positive in this disease. Visphota, one type of Kshudra Kushtha in Ayurveda, mimics with Pemphigus foliaceus in clinical features. According to Ayurveda, Visphota is caused by the vitiation of all three Doshas, with the predominance of Pitta and Kapha mainly. Aim & objective: This case study was planned to study the efficacy & safety of Shodhana & Shamana Chikitsa in Ayurveda to manage Pemphigus foliaceus, an Material & methods: This is the single case study managed with Shodhana(Virechana,) followed by Shamana Chikitsa (Avipattikar Choorna, Kaishor Guggulu, Panchatikta Ghrita Guggulu, Raktashodhak Qwath, Gandhak Rasayana, Amrut Rajanyadi Qwath). Observations & Results: Shamana Chikitsa prescribed for four consecutive months preceded by Shodhana Chikitsa have offered encouraging results in all clinical signs & symptoms of Pemphigus foliaceus. Discussion: Cumulative effect of therapy balances the vitiated Doshas & breaks the pathogenesis of the disease by their Raktashodhak property(natural blood-cleansing) by stabilizing the Mamsa Dhatu, decreasing the Twakdushti leading to the betterment of the condition of the patient. Deepana, Rasayana, and the anti-inflammatory properties of these medicines are also contributing factors for the successful outcome of this treatment. Conclusion: Administration of both treatments, i.e., Shamana  & Shodhana Chikitsa in Ayurveda through external and internal routes, yields significant results and improves the general condition of the patient.



How to Cite

Vaishnavi Hatwar, Dr. Punam Sawarkar, Dr. Gaurav Sawarkar. (2021). Management of Autoimmune Pemphigus Foliaceus Through Ayurveda: A Case Report. Drugs and Cell Therapies in Hematology, 10(1), 3496–3504. Retrieved from


