“Critical Appraisal of the concept of Dosha Dhatu Samayogvahitwa through Panchakarma W.S.R. Lifestyle disorders.”


  • Kunal Peche, Dr. Punam Sawarkar, Dr. Gaurav Sawarkar


Background: In Ayurveda, the harmony between these factors are highly expected for the maiantaince of the health and immunity as well as the prevention of the diseases also.However,the lifestyle disorders such as Obesity,Diabetes mellitus,Hyper tension etc. are the common burning issue in this current era.These disorders are basically emerged from the distarbances in the harmony between biohumors(Dosha) and various body tissues(Dhatu)resuting into decreases competency of the circulatory channels.Aim & objectives:The prime aim of this paper is to make critical analysis of  the concept of  Dosha Dhatu Samayogvahitwa through Panchakarma   in Lifestyle disorders.Material & methods:The essential information regarding above topic is collected from various research articles on scientific databases, classical textbook of Panchakarma and  numerous clinical experiences.Observations & results: All compiled information is elaborated under different headings and subheadings such as common etiological factors disturbing Dosha-Dhatu Samayoga in  Lifestyle disorders, pathophysiology of lifestyle disorders & role of Panchakarma in Lifestyle disorders.Discussion: Panchkarma procedures breaks the pathogenesis of the lifestyle diseases  by eliminating bio-wastes & clears circulatory channels, enabling   the  free flow of nutrients, medicaments and metabolites through them and arrest the degenerative changes   in the body that are induced by faulty lifestyle.Conclusion:The penta-biopurificatory procedures recommended by Ayurveda are not only useful to radical eliminination of the lifestyle disorders but also for their prevention by building immunity of the body.Further, clinical studies based on this review study  are expected to generate clinical evidences.



How to Cite

Kunal Peche, Dr. Punam Sawarkar, Dr. Gaurav Sawarkar. (2021). “Critical Appraisal of the concept of Dosha Dhatu Samayogvahitwa through Panchakarma W.S.R. Lifestyle disorders.”. Drugs and Cell Therapies in Hematology, 10(1), 3802–3811. Retrieved from http://dcth.org/index.php/journal/article/view/740


